
akhirnya, setelah menunggu dari bulan Jan....aku p first check-up kat GP arini...eventhough Dr just asking a few questions pasal pregnancy kali nie...aku rase mcm aku plak yang jadi Dr tadi..huhuhu...kita plak dok explain kat dr what happened till the 24 weeks.....first Q dr Dr, what can i do for u??....ikutkan hati nak cakap nothing la far, alhamdulillah....i'm okay....huhuhu...kureng asam punya patient dengan ramah tamahnya aku dok explain kat dr yang aku dah 24 weeks++....first time p check-up nie, tak pernah jumpe mane2 Dr kicking far taken only acid folic for problems in health till now..mmhhh...pastu aku diam...last2 Dr cakap, okay...u can see the receptionist outside to fix the next appointment with the midwife and the nurse......tu jerr....pastu leh balik...

kesimpulannya???....kat sini, senang woooo jadik Dr.....sape nak belajar Medic, leh dtg UK....pastu terus koje kat sini...koje pun senang, gaji leh tahan...tak percaya??....cube tanya wonder Msian yg koje as Dr kat sini tak nak balik serving the country...kalau sape tak setuju, angkat tangan tau!!!!!.....betul3x (bak kate upin dan ipin)...

My next check-up would be on the 30th March with the nurse and 9th April with the midwife...can't wait to see what's going on next....boleh buat cter bersiri....huhuhu