
~stay simple and be humble~


~Smart Tag~

Rules :-
1. sila tepek gamba kawin sendiri bukan gamba yg korang google!
2. tarikh korang kawin
3. tag lar sape2 yg korang suke

Nikah: 20 November 2004.....mase tu br abih blaja kat UPM, baru 22 tahun....rase awal sangat kawen tp jodoh dah sampai..lgpun family husband kater elok kawen je, tunang lelama pun tak elok....so ikutlah kata orang tua...insyaAllah berkat dunia akhirat...
Majlis bersanding jatuh pada 18 Disember 2004 (umah aku) dan 25 Disember 2004 (umah lelaki dan pada masa tu berlakunya tragedi Tsunami di beberapa negeri di Msia)...
Masa aku kawen, aku tak byk menukar baju coz aku malas glerrrrrrrr dan kepenatan lah......
orang kate kawen ni mungkin seumur hdup so kalau boleh, meriahkanlah diri anda dgn menukar baju sehebat mungkin....ntahlah, aku tak terpk sumer tuh...yang penting, perkara wajib (akad dan nikah) dah selesai....lgpun, i prefer simple but very meaningful....
sesape nak buat tag nie...sila lah...aku mmg takde koje so apa yg boleh dientrykan...akan aku sedaya upaya buat...huhuhu...

~Got this Tag from a new blogger fren ladyell~
Tag:About Married

When was your engagement? ~Nov 2003 (masih blaja lagi tau!)

When is your marriage anniversary? ~20 November

How long have you known your spouse? ~masuk tahun nie dah 8 tahun...

How long did you date before you got engaged? ~1 year only...

Where did you meet your spouse? ~dekat KM Chalet, Kuala Linggi...masa tu ada kursus anjuran varsity...kebetulan, itu kg die...

What is your spouse’s full name? ~ Mohd Izham bin Saiman

Do you have any children? ~Yeppy

How many? ~2...but coming soon on July, the third version....

Do you have any pets? ~Nope....wish to have rabbit one day...once dah balik msia, gerenti aku beli...

Do you own or rent? ~Erm..camne nak kater??...umah ni own by my mother in-law but some time ago, she asked us to stay there....macam hadiah gitu la (perasan kot..huhuhu)...but i wish to have my own one day...skang nipun, umah tu kosong sampailah kami balik nanti....

Do you live in the country, city/town? ~currently in small town in UK...cardiff

What is your favorite activity you do together? ~bawak anak2 berjalan la...

Do you have a favorite vacation spot? ~not really coz kami ni tak pernah lg bercuti sesama...but someday hoping for an island kat msia...tak kisahlah memana negeri pun...

How many siblings do you have including in-laws? ~8 + 1 (coming soon)

What mosque do you attend? ~depan umah jerk...kat kg...Masjid Jamek Benut..

Is this the mosque you got marrried in? ~Yeppy

What town is your current address? ~Cardiff

Do you work or stay home? ~Working mother but currently on unpaid leave till 2011...ikut husband blaja...kater nak jadi Isteri dan Ibu Mithalikan??....amin...

Where did you go for your honeymoon? ~huhuhu....takde p honeymoon lagi...maybe nak p Paris dengan anak2 nanti....

Leave a piece of marriage advice: ~Perkahwinan ini satu ibadah yang merangkumi pelbagai aspek kehidupan....fikir-fikirkanlah....

aku nak tag orang......
tapi sesape yang dah kawen je la...
kengkawanku yang rajin dan takde koje macam aku nie, dialu-alukan lah yerk...

About Me

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Cardiff, United Kingdom
~Married and mummy to a three wonderful and gorgeous kids~


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