mmmhhh....memandangkan cuaca yang sangat baik pada hari Ahad lepas, maka aku dengan gumbiranya mengajak hubby p car boot for the.....tak tau kali ke berapa dah nie...and fortunately we managed to get a lot of goods...especially for the expected one in the tummy...wpun tak tau jantina, i guess i'll try to get the colors that match both parties...huhuhu...banyak jugak dapat with a very cheaper price tau!!...okies...let's see what we got after a few hours of browsing....
~inilah utk baby = 3.50 pound~
~ni utk baby dan skirt Mia= 2 pound ~

~ ini utk Mia = 2 pound....Khayra dh banyak stok~
~koleksi buku dan loceng ummi= 3 pound~

total belanja utk kali nie 10.50 + cik kuda 10= 20.50....kira okaylah tuhkan....kalau convert rm pun lebih kurang RM 100 lebih jgn convert coz living cost berbeza....okies...cukuplah entry psl car boot...aku plak yg boring nak bercter...huhuhu...kay, adios...
p/s trying to be smart ke??..huhuhu