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sumber: Utusan Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR 25 Mac - Impian seorang ibu tiga anak untuk memiliki potongan badan menarik bertukar menjadi tragedi apabila dia maut dipercayai selepas mendapat suntikan bagi rawatan kecantikan.

Allahyarham Noraini Mohd. Ghazali, 30, pengarah urusan syarikat pembekal peralatan makmal yang memiliki raut wajah cantik dengan berat badan 45 kilogram meninggal dunia kira-kira pukul 5 petang semalam di sebuah klinik swasta di Ampang dekat sini yang menyediakan rawatan kecantikan wajah dan badan.

Suaminya, Zaharudin Zainuddin, 35, memberitahu, isterinya telah menerima rawatan di klinik terbabit sebanyak 14 kali sejak bulan Disember 2007.
''Kali terakhir arwah ke klinik itu adalah bagi membuang lemak serta susulan selepas melakukan rawatan menegangkan bahagian punggungnya.

''Arwah tidak banyak bercerita mengenai rawatan kecantikan tersebut. Bagaimanapun, berat badannya dilihat berkurangan iaitu daripada berat asal lebih kurang 50 kilogram ke 45 kilogram,'' katanya ketika ditemui di bilik mayat Hospital Kuala Lumpur di sini hari ini.
Kata Zaharudin, sejak kebelakangan ini, isterinya mengadu sakit serta memaklumkan ada benang tertinggal dalam perut ketika menjalani rawatan terapi buang lemak di klinik terbabit.
Sehubungan itu, dia menasihati isterinya supaya berhenti melakukan rawatan terapi itu yang mencecah kos RM1,000 bagi setiap kali sesi.

Sementara itu, kakak angkat kepada mangsa, Misha Abu Bakar, 46, berkata, dia menemani Noraini ke klinik terbabit pada pukul 3 petang hari kejadian untuk temu janji dengan doktor.
''Saya hanya menunggu arwah di tingkat bawah sahaja kerana kebiasaannya sesi terapi itu tidak mengambil masa yang lama.
''Bagaimanapun, setelah lebih tiga jam menunggu, Noraini tidak muncul sebaliknya doktor tersebut meminta saya masuk ke pejabatnya sebelum memaklumkan arwah meninggal dunia pada pukul 5 petang selepas muntah-muntah.

''Doktor itu memberitahu kejadian itu berlaku selepas ubat bius disuntik dan ia prosedur biasa sebelum rawatan buang lemak dilakukan,'' katanya.
Misha menambah, dia berasa kecewa kerana doktor berkenaan mengambil masa lama untuk memaklumkan kepadanya yang menunggu di bawah.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Abdul Jalil Hasan mengesahkan kejadian tersebut dan telah mengambil keterangan doktor dan jururawat yang bertugas hari kejadian untuk membantu siasatan.

''Setakat ini, kes tersebut diklasifikasikan sebagai mati mengejut, bagaimanapun siasatan diteruskan ke atas kecuaian doktor sama ada telah mengenal pasti alahan pesakit sebelum rawatan diberi.
''Bedah siasat di Hospital Kuala Lumpur telah selesai, bagaimanapun sampel-sampel tisu mayat telah dihantar ke makmal kimia untuk siasatan lanjut sebelum keputusan bedah siasat diketahui.

''Keputusan akan diketahui dalam masa lebih kurang empat minggu,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Dalam pada itu, Yang Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ), Datuk Mohamad Yacob ketika dihubungi berkata, pihaknya telah menyemak lesen perniagaan premis terbabit dan mendapati ia diperakui dan sah.

p/s takziah kepada keluarga mangsa....Bersyukurlah dengan kecantikan yang Allah berikan kepada kita....everything happens for a reason...

source: Sky News

Sea Levels 'Impossible' To Defend Against

As fears grow of a metre sea level rise by the end of the century, the Environment Agency has told Sky News Online it is impossible to defend all of Britain's coastline.

Many places along the UK's East Coast will become particularly vulnerable to flooding.
The Environment Agency (EA) is already planning new defences. It has chosen to spend £50m on protection in Ipswich, including a new barrier, like that already across the Thames.
Just along the coast, Jaywick near Clapton has also been given sea defences to protect the 2,600 homes that lie almost at sea level.

But with 1.7 million properties in flood risk areas in the UK, many other places will not be as lucky.

EA chairman Lord Smith told Sky News Online: "We're not going to be able to protect every single inch of coastline. We've got something like 2 thousand miles of sea defences already that we have to maintain, that we have to keep in order.
"There are some places where even if we had a completely bottomless purse, er, we wouldn't be able to defend... Happisborough I'm afraid is one of those.''
The village of Happisburgh in Norfolk is fast losing its battle with the sea.
For years, residents have watched as cliffs supporting their houses have crumbled.

Diana Wrightson feels the government has abandoned them: ''It's disappeared very quickly," she said."One year we lost eight metres from the front. This year we've lost one, so you cannot tell how fast it's going to happen. It depends on the weather and the tides."

A metre rise would mean many areas of the UK would be inundated, particularly along the East Coast, if new defences are not built. Hull, East Anglia, much of the Thames Estuary and Portsmouth are among the main areas at risk.

For most of the UK, storm surges, fuelled by extreme weather, will cause the most damage.
Professor Tim Lenton from the University of East Anglia told Sky News Online the East Anglian coast will be worst hit.

He said: "We know when that mixture goes wrong and we get the high tide and the weather and the wind behind it - on the back of a risen global sea level - then we have the concern for big flooding events."

A recent report predicted the cost of damage from sea levels rising could increase from £1.5bn a year to £21bn a year by the 2080's.

So while protecting most places may be possible, the question is whether the huge Government investment needed for the defences will be forthcoming.

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