
~stay simple and be humble~


~Baby Boy????~

just got back from the hospital for anomaly scan appointment.....

~ The radiologist predicted that it's gonna be a baby boy...alhamdulillah...but it is just a prediction, right??...not sure yet whether it's going to be true..nevertheless, i'm really excited and can't wait to deliver my baby....

~ hhmmm....the radiologist also noted that my baby seems to have a fluids in his colon and rectum (i assume that would be in the tummy)....but the midwife told me not to worry (hard to say friends....)...so the radiologist suggested that i should have another anomaly scan in the next two weeks to determine the exact problems (takut la....wish me luck and pray for me guys)..... me and hubby hoping that everything will turn out okay the next few weeks...amin...

adios...not really in a good mood..;(


petang ni ada appointment scan kat spital....la ni asyik p spital jerk, seb baik layanan okay...

right now, i'm craving for durians....already give hubby ample time to look for it till next month but...as u know, durian here is not an easy 'thing' to find lorrrr...kalo takde rezeki, takpelah...maybe next time....however, i'm really pray for it...:) ..tengok uncle ni bukak derian pun cukuplahhhh....hehehe

p/s utk shima,kalo p london...nak pesan seulas dua....bley????...:):):)

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Cardiff, United Kingdom
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