
~stay simple and be humble~


~Hutang Tag 2~


tag ni kena buat entry baru coz byk glerrrr soalan kena jawab...rajin baca....tak rajin, larikkkkkk...
3 names in ur inbox cellphone?
~ hubby
~nong (my younger sister)
~ijat (my younger brother)
Your main ringtone?
~ mmg dah ader...krinngggggg...krinnggggggg...
What u did at 12 last nite?
~ zzzZZZZzzzzzzz......
Who was the last person u went out? Where?
~ hubby and the kids.....headed to Cardiff City Centre....browsing and bought some items for the kids...
The color of the shirt you're wearing now?
~ Grey
The last thing u did?
~ ate the homemade SOTO
3 of ur everyday fav items
~hhmmmm.....laptop hubby, handphone and my recipes books......
The color of ur bedroom?
~ Creamy...
How much money in ur wallet now?
~ 5 pound maybe....
How's life?
~ Thanks to Allah....everything is good....
Ur fav song?
~ Ayat2 cinta (at the moment).....
What will u do the next weekend?
~ heading to car boot for browsing some stuffs....for the upcoming baby on July.....
When was the last time u saw ur mom?
~ physically 6 months ago before departed from KLIA.....invisibly (is it rite spell??) in my dreams.....miss mak so much....
Where is she now?
~ at home.....Benut,Pontian.....
When was the last time u talked to ur parents?
~ this morning on phone.....
Who is the last person that texted u?
~ ijat (my younger brother)
Where did u have ur dinner last nite?
~ kat umah lerrr....sini mana ada kedai melayu....paling2 pun Paki tp jual ayam goreng je la...takpun burger...atau kebab..
The last suprise u got?
~ Burberry perfume from hubby....on Feb kot....
Last thing u borrowed from ur friends?
~ kata2??...hehehe...
Who is ur bf/gf or husband/wife?
~ Mohd Izham Saiman....hubby and soulmate....
What do u feel now?
~sleepy and tired......
Wanna share with who?
~bantal la....
Who keeps ur secret?
~ Mak ngan hubby.....
They keep ur secret?
~ of course la....
Are u angry with someone?
~ nope coz it's not a good feeling....miserable being with angry with somebody and it's no point..
What do ur order at McD?
~Quarter Pounder or Large Porridge....
The last time u felt so sad?
~ Let bygones be bygones....
What is ur wish for tomorrow?
~ still breathing and hoping everybody in this world leave in peace and harmony.....
Wish to tag??
~ anybody.....feel free...

selesai......sorilah takde space...blog buat hal...dah jenuh edit....


arini rajin sikit nak buat tag....hmmmmm....ada dua tag....dua2 nya dari ladyell....baru dapat langsaikan hutang tag ni...dr minggu lepaih lagik sebenarnya....

Tag Gambar Profail

Terangkan maksud gambar itu:

Gambar ni sebenarnya ada gambar penuhnya...aku dan hubby masa dia konvo Master tahun 2006 yang lalu tp sbb dia tak suka interframe so aku editlah gambar ni....tunjuk muka aku jerk...masa tulah...tp aku letak jugak gambar hubby kat blog...biar die glamer...hehehe..

Kenapa pilih gambar tu:

sebab gambar aku tak banyak dalam simpanan laptop hubby so mana yang rase okay dan menepati citarasa aku...aku letaklahkan...lgpun aku suke kaler maroon dan gambar ni mmg amat bersesuaian dgn tema fav kaler aku....bleh??....

Nak tag siapa??...

sesaper yang rajin dan belum buat tag nie...silakanlah....

~hutang selesai~


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Cardiff, United Kingdom
~Married and mummy to a three wonderful and gorgeous kids~


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